Twee jaar geleden vroegen we ons plots af: hoe gaat het eigenlijk met zangeres EliZe? Het plan dat Elise van der Horst destijds met ons deelde, komt in 2019 tot volle bloei. Niet alleen is ze terug met nieuwe muziek, ze is ook nog eens jurylid tijdens het Eurovisiesongfestival.

Haar onlangs uitgebrachte single ‘Bad Girl’ was haar eerste muzikale wapenfeit onder eigen naam in 11 jaar tijd. Jazeker, het was stiekem al écht lang geleden dat Elise van der Horst muziek uitbracht onder de naam EliZe.

Een clip is er nog niet, maar als het beeldmateriaal dat Elise via Instagram deelde een voorbode is, dan zou het een zeer temperatuurverhogend filmpje kunnen worden. Je denkt dat we liegen? Scroll dan maar eens een stukkie naar beneden.

Elise van der Horst jurylid bij het Songfestival

Maar Elise van der Horst heeft meer nieuws in 2019. Zo werd op 30 april bekend gemaakt dat ze één van de juryleden is tijdens het Eurovisiesongfestival. Sterker nog, ze is juryvoorzitter. Samen met Ruud de Wild, Henkjan Smits, Sabrina Starke en Holger Schwedt mag Elise andere inzendingen punten toekennen.

Hoe dat werkt? Alle deelnemende landen leveren een vakjury. Het gemiddeld aantal punten van alle vakjury’s, vormt de helft van het totale puntenaantal. Kijkers beslissen immers ook mee. Snap je ‘m nog?

Terug naar Elise van der Horst. Want die heeft dit jaar waarschijnlijk nog veel meer in petto. Hieronder een kort overzicht van hoe Elise van der Horst er in 2019 uitziet. Mocht je meer willen: ze schitterde ooit ook in een zeer mooie fotoshoot voor JFK.

Elise van der Horst 2019

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Photo @lutskephotography Make-up @jedidjahkuijten

Een bericht gedeeld door Elize (@elizemusic) op

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After recording Bad Girl I wanted to create images that fitted the theme of the song. I consulted 2 of my friends that are both independent power-women that would understand me and co-create with me to bring my vision to life. I called make up artist @jedidjahkuijten and photographer @lutskephotography and they where instantly down to create something together. We wanted to create a powerful and sexy image that would channel the "bad girl" that lives inside of me. A confident, strong woman who (like the lyrics of the song tell you) is no longer afraid to be in her fullest expression. The three photo’s in this row are part of the result, more will follow soon. I’m happy and grateful I got to create art with these women that I call my dear friends. I would like to thank everyone that helped me bring this vision to life! Thanks for the epic styling! From whip, to mask, to leather gloves and lingery! Thank you @moniquemathijssen @chantalwurster Michele and @marliesdekkersofficial Photo by @lutskephotography MUA @jedidjahkuijten Lingerie @marliesdekkersofficial

Een bericht gedeeld door Elize (@elizemusic) op

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My songs are often inspired by my personal experiences and feelings. I wrote Bad Girl right after coming out of a somewhat toxic relationship that didn’t work out and left me feeling restless. Alchemizing my emotions to creating this song felt like the beginning of a beautiful healing process. I actually started writing the song while I was at a festival. Loud music was pounding from the speakers, thousands of people around me and for the first time in a very long time, I felt completely free. In that magical moment I transcended the pain from my experience and shifted into a feeling of relief and happiness. And right there the first lines of Bad Girl were born. The words just came to me and flowed right out of my mouth. About 30 minutes later when my friends and I left the festival, I walked about 30 feet behind them working on that song on our way back to our car. I just had to finish it. Weeks later back in LA where I lived at the time, I found myself recording the song at my friend Brian’s studio. As a joke I started singing the Bob Marley hook from his track Bad Boys. It came to me in the moment and it fitted the song so perfectly that it ended up being the chorus, I loved it. The song needed to be cleared by the Marley family and with their approval I was able to drop it on Spotify this past Friday. Birthing this track has been such a beautiful and powerful process of transformation for me. If you guys are curious to learn more details about my creative process, I can share the first demo I recorded with Brian to show you that song writing can be a very simple process and doesn’t even require for you to have great skills on the piano 😉 Photo by @lutskephotography MUA @jedidjahkuijten Lingerie @marliesdekkersofficial Artwork @alaaaia

Een bericht gedeeld door Elize (@elizemusic) op

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Music is a way of sharing emotions and experiences in a language that is universal. To me it's a way of sharing my life with the world which can be a pretty scary thing to do. I’m both excited and nervous to finally share my new songs with you since I haven’t released any music in about 8 years! These new songs are very personal to me and reveal parts of my heart I haven't shared before. They're kinda like my babies and putting them out into the world feels like bringing my babies to school for the first time. Even though I love them unconditionally, putting them out there allows for others to judge them and they may not receive the love I feel they deserve. Which brings me back to the real reason why I wrote these. I wrote them for myself primarily and put them out there to hopefully inspire others that feel the same way about them as I do. So far the feedback has been amazing. I received so many lovely and inspiring messages from you guys and I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for your reflections. Writing music, singing and performing is what I love doing most and through your support I can continue to focus on my biggest passion. Massive thanks for allowing me to share in this way! I've decided to open up more and share the deeper layers behind my creative process to perhaps even inspire some of you to transform your own feelings into art by writing them down ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 E Photo by @lutskephotography MUA @jedidjahkuijten

Een bericht gedeeld door Elize (@elizemusic) op

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Portrait by queen @nathaliehennis MUA @stefralbovsky 🖤

Een bericht gedeeld door Elize (@elizemusic) op

(Beeld: Lutske Veenstra voor JFK)

